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Up with the lark, but not by choice | Brief letters

Early risers | Genetic chronotypes | Reform candidates | Rudderless Tories | Constituency wallchart

After decades of 4.30am starts as a postie, I can assure Anita Chaudhuri that there is nothing magical or soul-cleaning about being an early riser (The cult of 5am: is rising at dawn the secret of health and happiness?, 8 July). It is lovely that the roads are empty for my ride to work, but the main perk is the 1pm finish. I am looking forward to retirement and getting up at a normal time.
Martine Frampton

• There’s strong scientific evidence that our chronotype – whether we are a morning lark or a night owl – has a genetic component, so Anita Chaudhuri may be fighting a losing battle. I rise at 5am, but I prefer to spend the first hour drinking tea and reading the Guardian.
David Harper

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