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Meet the DC thinktank giving big oil ‘the opportunity to say they’ve done something’

The fossil fuel industry has a long history of hiring PR firms to sow confusion about climate change – but the Climate Leadership Council isn’t just a front group

The New York Times op-ed opened on a provocative note: “There is a real danger that the climate debate is deteriorating into a game of name-calling,” it began, “with oil and gas companies all too often portrayed as opponents of climate progress.”

The January 2020 article was written by the founder of the Climate Leadership Council (CLC), a Washington DC-based non-profit that advocates for scrapping certain fossil fuel regulations and replacing them with a carbon tax, with the proceeds from the tax returned to Americans as a rebate. Among the group’s “corporate founding members” are some of the world’s biggest oil and gas companies, including Shell, BP and, until 2021, Exxon – companies that have indeed spent decades, and billions of dollars, opposing climate progress.

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