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US small business owners: discriminate at your own peril | Gene Marks

The supreme court says businesses are free to refuse service on the basis of belief, but that doesn’t mean we should

As a longtime owner of a technology consulting firm I have something to disclose publicly: I discriminate. I have turned down new clients and fired existing clients. I’ve never refused to do business because of the color of someone’s skin, sexual orientation or their religion. But I have refused to do business with people that behaved rudely, unprofessionally or were jerks to either myself or my employees. It had nothing to do with the services requested or their ability to pay. It was just my decision. I chose not to do business with these people.

Putting individual jerks aside, when it comes to last week’s supreme court ruling that allows businesses to discriminate against a whole class of people, I’d urge small businesses to think twice.

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