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Our elderly aunt won’t move into a sheltered home | Ask Philippa

She may feel that her house is part of who she is. Focus on ways to make it safer – and doing things that bring her joy

The question My sister and I love and care deeply for our elderly aunt and are determined that we will care for her with the same level of care that she gave to her own mother. However, we really would feel much better, as I think she would do, too, if she were to spend her last years in a property that met her needs and without the weight of her parents’ possessions around her and her own mountains of old paperwork.

There was a sheltered accommodation flat going near me that would have been perfect, but my aunt, although agreeing it would be good, was resistant to leaving her large, unmodernised, family home. I have offered to help her sort things out, but she gets agitated and upset at the thought, insisting that neither she nor I have the time, and wouldn’t it be nicer if we just went out for lunch instead? We all do go for a lot of nice lunches and love it, but we need to help at a more practical level.

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