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A playful angle on global heating: Wood and Weather

Offer a wooden city a helping hand in this beguiling Australian climate puzzler

If you’ve ever spent time in Melbourne, Australia, you will undoubtedly have heard a local explain their “four seasons in one day” lifestyle. Perhaps you were told to pack a raincoat and some heavy-duty sunscreen, or warned of hail on a sunny day. This typical Melbournian weather chatter is something the team at Paper House revelled in when developing their cosy god game Wood and Weather, imbuing it with a distinctly local feel.

“What makes the weather interesting is how humans react and interpret it,” says game director Terry Burdak, who took an introductory course at the Bureau of Meteorology during Wood and Weather’s development. “I wanted to create a game where you get to see a bunch of little people respond to the change of weather in unexpected ways and how it can influence their lives.”

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