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Behind the scenes, women in football see Spain scandal as part of systemic problems

The aftermath of this year’s Women’s World Cup final has raised issues that many have known about for years. Change could be slower than expected

The staff uniform for Uefa’s Euro 2020 championship (held in 2021 after Covid interrupted the original schedule) included beige trousers considered by many staff to be – how can we put this politely? – see through. According to Sally Freedman, a marketing and communication manager for Uefa at the time, many female staff members chose not to wear the full uniform, ditching the beige clothes for more modest blue jeans.

On her first day in jeans, Freedman remembers a male senior staff member encouraged her to wear the Uefa-issued trousers the following day. This was not an intervention by the fashion police. According to Freedman, the staff member wanted to personally “check” if the clothes were indeed see through.

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