Lynch faced 15 counts of fraud over the $11.1bn purchase of his company Autonomy by HP in 2011 British tech...
European Central Bank lowers borrowing costs for first time in almost five years, but won’t pre-commit to further cuts European...
Social video app taking steps to tackle cyber-attack on well-known brands and celebrities TikTok has said it is taking measures...
António Guterres warns of ‘climate crunch time’ and announces dire new scientific warnings of global heating Fossil-fuel companies are the...
Current and former workers sign letter warning of lack of safety oversight and calling for more protections for whistleblowers A...
Laurence Tubiana, one of experts behind 2015 agreement, calls for taxes or charges on consumption Rich individuals in all countries...
Prosecutors called Lynch the ‘driving force’ behind Autonomy’s missteps as the tycoon tried to humanize himself on the stand A...
Chair Shari Redstone weighs future of media empire behind Paramount Pictures, CBS and UK’s Channel 5 For more than a...
In a 2-1 ruling, judges found grant program run by Black-woman owned venture capitalist firm ‘likely to violate’ Civil Rights...
ATO discloses concerns that date back to 2019 in response to questions from Greens senator Barbara Pocock Follow our Australia...