Analysis: As the science outpaces the law, scientists should proceed cautiously and clear boundaries must be set Synthetic embryos sit...
Exclusive: Breakthrough could aid research into genetic disorders but raises serious ethical and legal issues Scientists have created synthetic human...
Social network says it will not back down from plan to levy data charges against third-party tool developers Reddit’s battle...
Make people laugh, keep a praise file, deal with your inner critic – and avoid comparison-itis. Here is how to...
Bloc hopes to set global standard for technology – including ban on police use of live facial recognition technology in...
PlayStation 4/5, Xbox, PC; Codemasters/Electronic ArtsOne of the finest and longest-running racing sims has had a significant upgrade – and...
For years, Microsoft’s lineup of games has been sorely lacking – but their new slate should have Sony envious Don’t...
Some delivery and storage costs for European vendors more than doubled in 2017-23, analysis shows Amazon has been accused of...
Last week, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said disposable vapes should be banned because of their popularity...
Federal Trade Commission secures delay of $69bn deal which it argues would be anti-competitive A US district judge has granted...