A group known as Volt Typhoon, geared toward sabotage, quietly burrowed into critical US infrastructure networks An advanced group of...
In this week’s newsletter: Sony’s news that it is cutting jobs and cancelling projects for the mega-console underlines a depressing...
Sundar Pichai addresses backlash after Gemini software created images of historical figures in variety of ethnicities and genders Google’s chief...
Little discussed outside its fanbase, it amassed 75 million registered users who provide a brilliantly welcoming community for neurodivergent gamers...
Entire online communities have developed around naming this 17-second snippet of catchy pop – and three years after it was...
Packed with swappable parts including the keyboard, ports and graphics card, this machine is unique Framework is back with the...
Company will cut 8% of workforce, citing changes in industry and a need to ‘deliver on expectations from developers and...
The US chip maker is the company to bet on if you want to invest in AI, but with the...
Images created by AI are getting exponentially better, to the point where many people are unable to distinguish them from...
Last week, I downloaded a game called Balatro for a few casual turns on Steam Deck. I haven’t been able...