In this week’s newsletter: Guests from John Oliver to Jen Brister join the comedian to select their most precious possessions...
Is the glow from phones, tablets, computers and other devices really bad for our health? Wherever you are reading this...
The change came after owner Elon Musk said it would ‘improve the esthetics’ as platform becomes increasingly hostile for news...
New phones with better cameras and heat sensing announced alongside Pixel Watch 2 and Android 14 Google’s latest smartphone launch...
US student safety not improved by surveillance technology such as cameras and facial recognition software, research shows An ACLU report...
For 15 years, Brent Lee spent hours each day consuming ‘truther’ content online. Then he logged off. Can he convince...
Male-skewed investment is another instance of tech gender imbalance that needs urgent redress, say researchers An “urgent issue” of gender...
Paramount’s release of the popular film in small clips reflects a rising trend of people watching movies on the platform...
Politicians opt for change they say amounts to de facto ban on spyware but free speech campaigners dispute claim An...
Meta’s social networks consider charging €13 a month on mobile and €17 on desktop, say sources Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta is...