Ministry of Defence says risk is low and ‘robust safeguards’ have been put in place by suppliers An artificial intelligence...
Consultation suggests opt-out scheme for creatives who don’t want their work used by Google, OpenAI and others Tech companies will...
Regulator publishes codes of practice and warns that largest sites are not following many of its measures Social media platforms...
Australian federal police says it has ‘no choice’ due to the vast amount of data examined in investigations Follow our...
Museums are using VR and immersive experiences to boost attendances – and, while it can provide an amazing spectacle, critics...
The SpaceX head has been advised to not seek the same over his drug use and contacts with foreign nationals...
How the pandemic and climate migration have influenced this third outing of a formerly sterile architectural puzzle game Architectural surrealism...
A first-of-its-kind public archive of UFO records opens in New Mexico as New Jersey is gripped by drone panic A...
In this week’s newsletter: From perfect first dates to giving guns to cute Pokémon-like creatures, we celebrate the games that...
The man behind Amy and Senna has turned his attention to ‘techno-authoritarianism’ in the genre-defying 2073. He talks to our...