Set in the year between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Outlaws follows Kay, an ambitious street thief...
CMA to consider whether deal with AI startup is a potential merger, which could prompt full investigation The Competition and...
The ChatGPT maker is betting big, while Google hopes its AI tools won’t replace workers, but help them to work...
Watchdog reprimands Electoral Commission for not being up-to-date with security updates before hack in August 2021 The UK’s election watchdog...
Prototype, initially launching with select publishers and users, set to challenge Google’s dominance of online search OpenAI is testing a...
Hypnospace Outlaw’s creative director Jay Tholen returns with a sequel that promises more tongue-in-cheek fun for people old enough remember...
Every day, I generate more digital stuff my older self might like to look back on – but there’s no...
In this uniquely absurd mishmash of adventure and dating game, you are a house looking for love on an island...
Having abandoned them entirely in a fit of fury in the late 90s, I recently made a return to platform...
Voice actors and motion capture performers to strike over AI protections after nearly two years of negotiations Hollywood’s video game...