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Could Messi do it on an inhumanely cold night in Kansas City? Of course he could

Temperatures dipped to 0F (-17C) for Inter Miami’s match on Wednesday. The Argentinian still found a way to make a difference

The question, which in time has become less of a question and more of a cliche meme, is a variation of Andy Gray’s comment: Sure, Lionel Messi is an all-time great. But can he do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?

This question is ridiculous and annoying. Of course he can – he’s done it on rainy nights in Fort Lauderdale multiple times in just the last year and half. There are whole compilations of him doing all of his usual Messi things in terrible weather throughout his career. Even the dialog the question/meme supposedly replaces – let’s see if Messi can overcome this piece of weather-based adversity! – seems pointless when the player in question has already, for all intents and purposes, completed football at the highest level.

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