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The truth about cholesterol: 12 things you need to know – from eggs to weight to statins

What is good and bad cholesterol? Should you remove fat from your diet? And what about shellfish? Experts explain it all

High cholesterol can cause heart problems and strokes – but levels can creep up without showing any symptoms. This is why, if you’re over 40, you should be getting your cholesterol checked every five years. It’s a simple enough concept, but, like alcohol and other things that could be slowly, invisibly damaging our bodies, cholesterol can feel a little abstract, hovering in the background less urgently than everything in the foreground of a busy life.

It doesn’t help when myths are flying about online, such as eggs being unhealthy because they contain cholesterol. Or when some fringe scientists and proponents of low-carb and high-fat diets dramatically downplay cholesterol’s significance in heart disease – arguing that sugar is a bigger risk to our health, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Nor does it help us laypeople that there are so many different ways to present – and therefore interpret – cholesterol levels.

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